Friday, May 24, 2013

Holly, the Dancing Machine Part One

Holly, Magical Friend to all Mankind

Holly was born into a band of traveling riverdance performers that are also dogs. The dog parents were highly-skilled, trained riverdance dogs, and they taught their daughter Holly all that they knew. Her riverdancing skills, however, soon far surpassed their own. She performed in shows all over the world in her first year and a half. Dancing alongside her twin brother, Raisin Danish, their act delighted hundreds (maybe thousands) across the map.

Her future looked bright. Everything seemed to be going for her: a fantastic high-paying job in show business, cool dance moves that made her the envy of every dog in the dog clubs she frequented, and the elevated social status of being a top dog dancer.

While performing a routine one summer day at the Heavy Cream Fest™ in Buckalew Falls, Wyoming she was SABOTAGED. Raisin Danish had added Red Chili Flakes to Holly’s special shampoo that she liked to use before performances……The routine began normally. Holly hit every step perfectly and Raisin Danish struggled to keep up.

A few minutes into the performance, Holly began to sweat a bit; this caused the chili oil from the besmirched shampoo to run into her eyes-BLINDING HER (but only temporarily).

However, Holly is a trooper to the end, so she struggled through the remainder of the act. Alas, just as the curtain was beginning to descend after her magnificent performance, she tripped over a bucket of seawater that was there for no reason and fell into the bandstand, landing on the french horn.

The result—a double tragedy. Holly’s poor left femur suffered a tragic break that ended her dance career for good, and the group’s only french horn was now totaled, totally throwing off the groove of the ensemble, “Orchestra, Schmorchestra.”

Her brother was blinded, too….by greed. He wanted the act all to his pitiful self. He got his wish, but when he failed to keep up the high standards, he was cast out of the dance business for eternity. Even if his ghost comes back after he is long gone, it will not be allowed to collect revenue using the art of the dance.

Holly required painful, invasive surgery to remove the top portion of her left femur, just below the hip joint. She will need a lot of therapy and love to repair her bones and her spirit. However, she is still the aforementioned “trooper”, and is recovering nicely.

Since the incident she has been very involved with giving back to the community. She has done work with the homeless, raised funds for the victims of natural disasters in the continental US and Puerto Rico, and occasionally oversees Habitat for Humanity quality control testing.

Her dancing days may be behind her, but her artistic soul still yearns to please the public! She is now considering pursuing a singer songwriter career, and if you catch her in the right mood she will sing along with you to her favorite tunes.

Through this ordeal she has become quite accustomed to sharing her love and emotions with people. She is also a member of “Nice Face Triangle” yacht club, as well as the Lion’s Club international.

She is especially fond of digging under a stack of pillows and peeping her head out. She is all around a top-notch dog: cute, smart, and loving. 

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